What is an active skill and an automatic skill? If the white arc is stripped, you don’t have energy to launch the skill. If the white arc is filling, the skill hasn’t finish its cooldown.
A full white arc means the corresponding skill is ready. Each time a skill is ready or you try to cast an unavailable skill, it will appear. This is a way to see which skills are available without losing sight of your ship. bottom bar And what’s that round white thingy appearing around my ship? You can also see your set of selected skills and their status / cooldown.

The orange bar is your focus bar to increase score (see scoring tips below). The blue bar is your energy, necessary to launch skills. Shield will replenish automatically after a few seconds without hits but life will only regenerate if you use healing skills. If you take damage you lose your shield first and then your life. One stick to move, one button to shoot (RB or LB by default), 4 buttons to launch skills (A, B, X, Y by default) Need help to understand the interface? You can play with a pad or a keyboard but for now you’ll have to use menus with a mouse only. New content is on its way ! How do you play this game?ĭrifting Lands is a shooter mixed with action RPG elements.

If you have tried the Stun Fest version a few months ago, you’ll find not much more except a few additional skills and a brand new interface. For now, please do not expect a lot of content but a first taste of what’s to come. This is the very first public demo of Drifting Lands or more accurately only a subset of what will be Drifting Lands. But if you want to shine, you’ll have to be smart in the selection of your special powers and how you create synergies with your equipment ! Your class will offer more resistant ships, able to put up with a lot more impacts. You enjoy the progressive design of a powerful build through skills and inventory optimization ? You’ll benefit from a smart customization of your gear, but your performances on the field will be mainly based on your skill. You’ll find a perfect class for you with high-damages / low-resistances interceptors. You’re a super player of bullet hells and don’t mind dying on the first few impacts? With the choice of your pilot class, you’ll have the opportunity to take control of different ships, best suited to your favorite gameplay style. add random loot, crafting and exhaustive inventory customization of your ships and weapons.ĭrifting Lands is designed to meet both shmup and hack & slash enthusiasts’ expectations.use these skills with various effects (dash, area of effect attacks, time control, etc…) during your runs with classical resources consumption and cooldowns management.replace this by a set of skills selected among the list available for your clas.open it up and extract most of the mindless auto-fire required to destroy enemies.take the core gameplay of a standard horizontal shmup,.Drifting Lands is an original mix of classical horizontal shooter with modern hack & slash standards.